Apa khabar semuanya, semoga anda semua senantiasa dalam lindungan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas materi tentang "Invention".
Menurut Kamus Cambridge makna Invention adalah: "Something that has never been made before, or the process of creating something that has never been made before"
Artinya adalah sesuatu yang belum pernah dibuat sebelumnya, atau proses membuat sesuatu yang belum pernah dibuat sebelumnya.
Dalam sejarah dunia, telah banyak invention yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan manusia. Contoh: Lampu bohlam oleh Thomas Alva Edison, Internet oleh Leonard Kleinrock.
Jadi pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas seputar invention dalam Bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan dialog berikut ini:
Interview With The Wright Brothers
In 1905, there was a TV talkshow that interview great inventors at that time. Below is a script of interview with The Wright brothers
Host : Hellow and welcome to our talkshow tonight, Great Inventors! Today we have very special guests, Orville and wilbur Wright. We are going to ask them about their revolutionary inventions. What do you call your invention?
Orville : We invented airplane
Host : Airplane? What is the tool for?
Orville : It's a toll that will human being to fly!
Host : Is it like a flying car? How did you get the inspiration?
Orville : Our dad gave us a toy helicopter that flew with the help of rubber bands. We've been interested with the idea since then.
Wilbur : Orville has always liked to build kites, so, we have experimented with making our own helicopters for a while now.
Host : But that was only a toy, what about the actual plane?
Wilbur : Orville made the first flight with our first plane a kitty hawk on december 14, 1903.
Host : Why did you choose kitty hawk?
Orville : Kitty hawk had a hill, good breezes, and was sandy. The condition would help soften the landings in case of a crash. The first flight lasted 12 seconds and they flew for 120 feet.
Wilbur : We have worked and experimented with gliders to perfect the wing design and controls since then.
Host : I see. So you've had the newest version of your airplane.
Wilbur : Yes, recently, I took a newly designed airplane that we called the flyer II for the first flight lasting over for 5 minutes.
Host : How amazing! I think this invention will be a big thing soon.
Wilbur : Our father has asked us not to fly together. He said it's the safety reason.
Orville : Yes, we will continue making more experiment so that airplane will be available for everyone soon.
Host : Okay, we wish you good luck with the next experiments
Untuk latihan pengucapan dialog di atas, gunakan voice notes yang ada di fasilitas whatsapp/wa untuk merekamnya jika sudah dirasa lancar dan tepat pengucapannya bisa langsung dikirim ke bapak atau ibu guru.
Berikut teks terkait dengan newest invention (temuan terbaru) dikutip dari wikipedia untuk melatih pemahaman membaca
A jet pack, rocket belt, or rocket pack is a device worn on the back which uses jets of gas or liquid to propel the wearer through the air. The concept has been present in science fiction for almost a century and became widespread in the 1960s. Real jet packs have been developed using a variety of mechanisms, but their uses are much more limited than their fictional counterparts because of the challenges of the Earth's atmosphere, gravity, the low energy density of utilisable fuels, and the human body not being suited to flight, and they are principally used for stunts. A practical use for the jet pack has been in extra-vehicular activities for astronauts because of the apparent weightlessness and lack of friction-creating atmosphere in orbit. The term jet suit is used for a system incorporating a jet pack and associated jets attached to the arms to increase manoeuvrability.
1. What is the text about?
2. When was the the jet pack originally popular?
3. Why is the jet pack use limited?
Untuk menambah wawasan tentang invention silahkan cari di internet teks singkat berbahasa Inggris tentang penemuan terbaru, kemudian pahami maknanya.
Demikian materi tentang invention, semoga bermanfaat.
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